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Beta Beta Beta District Conventions


District convention information can be found below.  Each year there are 12 district conventions.  Just as the local chapter is the center of TriBeta programs, the district convention is the most important regional project. It offers student members a chance to report their research and to hear from outstanding graduate investigators and teachers who give invited lectures and hold informal discussions.


Please consider being the chapter host at your campus for your district convention.  This is a great way for your campus and graduate programs to be showcased to a captive audience of potential future transfer or graduate students.  Information about hosting a convention can be downloaded below.  For the District Outstanding Chapter Award Score Sheet and the District Outstanding Chapter Award Form, click the buttons below to download. 


Starting in the Spring 2023, TriBeta members who received a research grant during the previous Fall semester can apply for a District Convention Travel Grant to help cover some of the cost of travel to attend their district convention to present their research.  Grant recipients will be emailed the application form in the spring each year.


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