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βββ Social Media Interns

TriBeta National Office Needs Your Help!  


The National Office is creating the 1st ever TriBeta Social Media Marketing Team and is seeking the help of our uber-talented student members with our social media presence and content. We've seen your work on your chapter posts and accounts and we know we need help!  


Ideally, we would like to have representation across all of our regions to comprise of a 6-member team.  This team would work directly with the National Office for the academic year 2024-2025 (October 2024 - August 2025).   


Please note, this is a volunteer, intern, service position with the TriBeta National Office and does not receive any monetary compensation or class credit with your institution.  Any questions regarding the position can be sent to the national office through the Contact Us button at the bottom of this page. 

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​​Position Overview


The goal of creating the Social Media Marketing Team is to have student member involvement to improve our social media presence. We currently have presence on a few sites and our content has been minimal and sporadic since it was established and leaves so much room for improvement. The National Office accounts follow a great number of chapters that we have found and that have started following ours.  The content on the TriBeta chapter social media accounts is fabulous and we are confident with the skills and expertise of the members behind the scenes of those accounts, the National Office social media accounts can tremendously improve!  Ultimately we want the social media channels to help spread the word to more TriBeta members about events, opportunities, and important announcements that come up throughout the year, as well as encourage other biology students to create chapters at their schools were a chapter is not established.  


The coordination of content creation, approval, scheduling, and planning across platforms will be key to the social media success.  Having good communication and collaboration skills, attention to details, observing deadlines, and being a good team player are critical attributes we are looking for in this position.  The goal is to post content daily on the platforms we have presence on in some format.  The content would be uploaded beforehand for the most part and scheduled to post across platforms.  


The National Office has started a list of content ideas and various TriBeta topics so that a calendar can be created.  We also want input from the intern team for content suggestions.  Content will range from TriBeta announcements, merchandise sales/promos, chapter shout-outs, member spotlights, advisor kudos, BIOS publication features, sharing of TriBeta chapter content, promotion of our national partner, NMDP, cool and interesting things in biology/science, important dates such as Earth Day, Ocean Day, focus on scientists, and so on. 


Who Can Apply?

Any current TriBeta member is eligible to apply, preference will be given to those involved with the chapter's social media presence already.  Depending upon the volume of applicant's received, the size of the team may be altered from our original plan. 



  • Attend virtual team meetings which will occur at minimum every two weeks for planning the next series of content, more meetings may be needed, but will try to be kept to only one per week.

  • Provide input, ideas, suggestions to help with content creation, planning, and execution. 

  • Submit content and draft posts for approval to the National Office on time in accordance with the agreed upon schedule.

  • Make any requested edits in a timely manner so posting deadlines can be met. 

  • Communicate respectfully with all team members and be a positive team member.

  • Collaborate when needed with other team members.


​We have options for social media management through our back-end website platform Wix.  Other social media management software options are available and can be reviewed depending upon how many social media channels we will have presence on and the associated cost of the access. 


Application Documents Needed

Please provide the following to be considered for the intern team. 

  • A letter outlining your interest in the position

  • your resume, please indicate your anticipated graduation date

  • Separate document that includes the following:

    • links to your chapter’s social media accounts and discuss your involvement of it.  

    • If specific posts are your content, please provide screenshot or direct link to the post so we can locate and review on the page/account.

    • Two ideas for the social media concept in general for TriBeta or content not already mentioned.

    • OPTIONAL:  Send links to your personal social media presence.


How to Apply?:

Submit your application documents and complete the online form through the upload button below; it will take you to a Jotform online form to complete.  Applicants will be asked to provide their contact information and availability to meet for an interview. 


Deadline to Apply?​​​​

Deadline to submit your application is Friday, September 13th, 2024, 10pm CST. Zoom interviews will be setup for the following week with the goal of having the team assembled by September 30th if not sooner.   


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